2008年12月25日 星期四

談 Bottle Shock

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America has proven itself to the world: Neil Armstrong setting foot on the Moon; the US Men's Hockey team beating the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympics.以及本部電影主題,in 1976, a small American winery bested the exalted French wines of the time and sent the wine industry into a tizzy - putting California wines on the map for good!因為在一場法國品酒專家的盲測中,她打敗法國著名酒莊榮膺冠軍!一舉把加州Napa酒推上名酒的行列.

Jim and Bo Barrett. A former real estate attorney, Jim sacrificed everything to realize his dream of creating the perfect hand-crafted chardonnay. His business, however, is struggling, and he's not only trying to overcome differences with his slacker son, but is also fighting off the creditors. Meanwhile in Paris, unwitting British wine shop owner Steven Spurrier hopes to revive his own failing business by sponsoring a competition which will pit the traditional French powerhouse against the California upstarts. Little did Steven and Jim realize that they were both on course to change the history of wine forever.


